Maurice Ali
Joined: 09 Jul 2006 Posts: 285 Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:31 pm Post subject: Cut And Past To Email Document |
The Status Of Citizen Journalists Around The World: 2012
Citizen Journalist Survey
Instructions: Read each question carefully and then print the letter of the correct answer next to the question.
Part I: General Information
1)___Do you identify yourself as a citizen journalist?
A. Yes.
B. No.
2)___How long have you been a citizen journalist?
A. Less than a year.
B. One to five years.
C. Five to ten years.
D. Over ten years.
3)___Are you male or female?
A. Male.
B. Female.
4)___How old are you?
A. Under eighteen years.
B. Eighteen to thirty years.
C. Thirty to forty five years.
D. Forty five to sixty years.
E. Over sixty years of age.
5)___What is your current occupation?
A. Unemployed.
B. Student.
C. Laborer.
D. Administration.
E. Businessperson/self-employed.
F. Managerial.
G. Professional.
6)___Level of education attained?
A. Under high school diploma.
B. High school diploma.
C. College diploma.
D. University degree.
E. Master’s degree.
F. Doctorate (PhD).
7)___Are you associated,in any way, with traditional news organizations (like a “stringer, etc.)?
A. Yes.
B. No.
8)___Even if it is not your primary employment, do you receive compensation for any of your journalistic efforts?
A. Yes.
B. No.
9)___How many hours per week do you spend on citizen journalist work?
A. Less than one hour.
B. One to ten hours.
C. Ten to twenty hours.
D. Twenty to forty hours.
E. Over forty hours.
Part II: Acquisition of News
1)___Which method do you use most in gathering your news?
A. Physical attendance at news events.
B. Traditional broadcast media.
C. The Internet.
D. Newspapers.
E. Other: ___________________________________________________________________.
2)___Does your status as a citizen journalist hinder your ability to acquire news information?
A. No.
B. Somewhat.
C. Often.
D. Yes, all the time. Please state exactly how your ability to acquire information is hindered:___________________________________________________________.
3)___Is your ability to gather information restricted by internet blocks by the government?
A. No.
B. Sometimes.
C. Often.
D. Yes, all the time. If “D”, can you and how do you get around those blocks?
4)At newsworthy events, is your ability to videotape, photograph, or audio record restricted or prohibited by the authorities?
A. No.
B. Somewhat.
C. Often.
D. Yes, all the time.
Part III: Dissemination of News
1)___How do you predominantly disseminate your articles or commentary?
A. Internet (all forms).
B. Newspaper or newsletter (real paper physical distribution).
C. Community/college radio or television.
D. Community meetings (e.g. town hall meetings, etc.).
E. Other (type in answer): _______________________________________________________.
2)___If the Internet is used, what is your primary website or internet tool used to disseminate information?
D. Personal blog.
E. Website (that you own and manage).
F. Email.
G. Other (type in answer):
3)___Is your ability to disseminate information restricted by internet blocks by the government?
A. No.
B. Sometimes.
C. Often.
D. Yes, all the time. If “D”, can you and how do you get around those blocks?
4)___Are there any censorship laws in your area that hinder your freedom in journalism?
A. No.
B. Yes, (type in particular law): ___________________________________________________.
Part IV: Security
1)___Do you fear for your safety because of the police presence at events?
A. No.
B. Somewhat.
C. Often.
D. All the time, a major concern.
2)___Do you fear for your safety in newsgathering because of your government?
A. No.
B. Somewhat.
C. Often.
D. All the time, a major concern.
3)___Do you fear for your safety in newsgathering because of corruption or organized crime?
A. No.
B. Somewhat.
C. Often.
D. All the time, a major concern.
4)___Do you fear for your safety in newsgathering because of social or religious concerns?
A. No.
B. Somewhat.
C. Often.
D. All the time, a major concern.
5)___How do you react to fears or obstacles in your work as a citizen journalist?
A. No effect, disregard the fears or obstacles.
B. Continue with news reporting but take precautions. Please be specific on those precautions
and for what threat or obstacle: __________________________________________________________________.
C. Avoid the news events/issues that you fear or have obstacles to citizen journalists. Please be
specific on what were the topics/issues that made you avoid them
and why:_______________________________________________________________.
6)___Do you take any measures to protect yourself as you perform your work as a citizen journalist?
A. Yes. If “yes” please elaborate:_____________________________________________
B. No.
7)___Have you ever received threats or were intimidated or pressured in any way due to your work as a citizen journalist?
A. Yes. If “yes” please elaborate:_____________________________________________
B. No.
8)___Have you ever been arrested or detained covering a newsworthy event as a citizen journalist?
A. Yes. If “yes” please elaborate:_____________________________________________
B. No.
9)___Have you ever been beaten or injured by authorities while covering newsworthy events as a citizen journalist in your country?
A. Yes. If “yes” please elaborate:_____________________________________________
B. No.
*****Optional Article: In addition to this survey each participant can include an original article about citizen journalism in their country.
The article need only be a few paragraphs in length but must be the participant’s own material.
Please note that all information from this survey is confidential.
The optional article about citizen journalism in your country is by default confidential but may be published by the International Association of Independent Journalists Inc. by expressed written permission by the author. This survey and the report to be based upon it is an independent report by the International Association of Independent Journalists Inc. and produced for the International Association of Independent Journalist Inc. (a not-for-profit association registered in Canada and able to operate internationally).
Please return this survey by email to:
International Association of Independent Journalists Inc.
15 Allstate Parkway, Suite 600
Markham, Ontario, Canada, L3R 5B4 |